(This is only for this summer years summer season, I am doing the Teesside winter series).

It feels like yesterday that I wrote the same blog for last years season because, I obviously, haven’t driven a lot this year. I have been in two championships this year, CKC and Teesside owner-driver sprint.



Finishing 8th out of 43 drivers in the championship isn’t too bad, however, the best finish in a final that I could manage over the year was only a 5th place (would have been a 4th but I got span). Overall, I feel like I have been very unlucky, (including latest round, blog out later on in the week) and would have gotten at least a podium if everything had gone to plan. Not everything always goes your way though in motorsport and you just need to power through it. I’m Looking forwards to the winter series at – Teesside, PFI, Whilton mill. I am also looking forwards to next years summer season and am going for at least a podium, if not a win.



Alongside driving for the Teesside IKR, I have also been driving in the first year of the cadet kart championship. It has been fun going to new tracks that I have never been to before. In the end, I finished in 5th in the championship, getting a trophy (I don’t know why?) Once again, I’m looking forwards to driving yet more new tracks, that are mostly different from this year’s calendar. (The calendar hasn’t yet been confirmed).